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Rooted in Real Relationships With Christ & With Each Other
Ministry Plan 2024-2026
Mission Statement

Faith Lutheran exists to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Areas of Ministry

Ministry at Faith Lutheran encompasses three different categories: GATHER – GROW - GLORIFY

Gather:  The members of Faith Lutheran GATHER to build relationships, new and old.
Let the assembled peoples gather around you, while you sit enthroned over them on high.~ Psalm 7:7
Grow:   The members of Faith Lutheran desire to GROW together in our knowledge and faith in Jesus Christ.
             But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. ~ 2 Peter 3:18
Glorify:  The members of Faith Lutheran are committed to GLORIFYing God with Everyone! Every Day! Everywhere!
             Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together. ~ Psalm 34:3

Our Vision and Goals
By deepening our connection with Jesus through Scripture and Sacraments, Faith Lutheran intends to be a church that glorifies God by:
  1. Nurturing a culture of genuine relationships where reconciliation occurs through the application
    and embrace of both law and gospel.
  2. Offering exceptional Biblical study that is accessible to individuals of all ages and varying levels of
    spiritual development.
  3. Maintaining that the Gospel of Jesus holds central prominence in our worship services.

Ministry Plan: GATHER
GATHER Philosophy:    At Faith Lutheran, our aim is to create opportunities to GATHER with others in ways that provide respite from the pressures of daily life, whether at home or at work. We seek to foster a sense of belonging through engagement in large and small group social activities, free from the constraints of strict policies or the exclusivity often associated with clubs or organizations. We aim to create a casual atmosphere where individuals can find refuge and solace in real relationships, free from the facade we typically adopt in public.
Current GATHER Ministries:   Faith Lutheran deliberately GATHERs with friends and makes new acquaintances at popular social venues. Our gathering spots have ranged from bowling alleys and coffee shops to restaurants, microbreweries, movie theaters, and even members' back porches. The setting is secondary to the relationship we share with Jesus and with each other. 
Future GATHER Ministry Plans:   In Texas, where outdoor dining and breweries are enjoyed by many, utilizing an outdoor patio is an excellent means to GATHER with friends, old and new. Not only does it present an inviting appearance to guests and visitors, but it also serves as a wonderful venue for members to engage in fellowship before and after worship services, as well as during other events. Proposed concepts for this space include:

Ministry Plan: GROW

GROW Philosophy:   We hold firm to the belief that the most authentic way to collectively deepen and GROW our understanding and faith in Jesus Christ is by immersing ourselves in God's Word individually, interpersonally, and as a congregation. 
Current GROW Ministry:  Rooting Real Relationships in Christ
Ongoing Growth Goals

Ministry Plan: GLORIFY
GLORIFY Philosophy:   At Faith Lutheran, we hold the conviction that worship is the primary means through which God is GLORIFIED. For our worship to truly GLORIFY God, it must align with His intentions, as Christians respond to His grace with confession, prayer, praise, and thanksgiving. While worship stands as the primary means of GLORIFYING God, it is not the exclusive pathway. God also receives glory through acts of service carried out in love and through the faithful administration of our church. 
Worship that GLORIFIES God:

Service that GLORIFIES God:


At the heart of Faith Lutheran's mission lies a desire for real relationships with Christ and one another.  To nurture and deepen these bonds within our congregation, we prioritize three pillars: GATHERing to cultivate relationships, both familiar and new; GROWing together in our understanding and devotion to Jesus Christ; and GLORIFYing God collectively, embracing this mission every day, everywhere, and with everyone we meet.

We'd love for you to be part of our Faith Family!

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